Looking for Health and Dental Coverage?
Protect yourself and your family against the ongoing and unexpected costs of healthcare with a suitable Health and Dental Coverage which provides flexible options to meet you and your family's needs.
Leaving a Benefits Plan?
When your group benefits end, your toughest job may be finding healthcare coverage. Apply within 60 days of your group benefits ending, and enjoy uninterrupted healthcare coverage - without a medical questionnaire!
Who should have health insurance?
Health insurance is important for you and your family against the ongoing and unexpected costs of healthcare as government health insurance doesn't cover everything,
You can benefit from Health and Dental insurance if :
Your don’t have any coverage through work
Provincial health insurance coverage can be limited. As a result, it's a good idea to fill in the gaps with a suitable Health and Dental Coverage which provides flexible options to meet you and your family's needs.
You're Self-employed
Consider Health and Dental coverage if you are self-employed, and perhaps do not have a group plan set-up.
You're going to loose or will soon loose your group health coverage
Since the employee benefits plan you're accustomed to at your work place likely won't cover your retirement years, be prepared for the future with supplementary health insurance.
If you already have a plan
But are looking for additional benefits that may not be covered, Health and
Dental insurance allows you to pick and choose exactly what coverage you want.
Contact us for a complimentary consultation with NO obligations.